Learn Facebook Marketing In 4 Easy Steps To Go Viral Insanely Fast - ZIP YOUR TIP


Sunday, September 30, 2018

Learn Facebook Marketing In 4 Easy Steps To Go Viral Insanely Fast

Extremely effective top 4 success secrets of facebook to skyrocket your contents organic search result  for more likes, share and comments to grow your contents serp for generating high revenue fast.

tips to success in facebook
Image source [Itnewsafrica.com]
Facebook is the big media platform in all over the digital media market to promote your content.

Here I have collected some terrible compelling tips to promote your content on Facebook to get the desired traffic in your content which will make your sales or revenue of your desired page.
Referral program users also can gain a huge amount of joining in there referral links. By just following these terrible compelling 4 easy steps.

You can also get some high-quality compelling social traffic or backlinks for your website or blog post.

So simple as like as we all do every day but just an advance thinking can change your whole story of traffic and earning double your sales, grow like a pro.
Read this whole article and apply to your every post you will be shocked by the result of traffic coming to your site.

Look I am not selling anything so I will not promise you that you will get success in one day or in the week.

 You will lose 25 kg weight in 5 days.

Something stupid like this, I just want to say you that apply these tips to your every post and continue it for a month or two you will start seeing the magic then.

So let's go to the article and check out what are these top 4 steps to promote your content terribly compellingly on facebook in 2018 & above.

According to the algorithm of Facebook, Facebook shoes your first published post to only 100 members.

If your post is able to generate a good impression with that visibility like some reactions from those 100 members then that post will be prompted in front of 1000 members instantly.

The process continues every time the task done multiplied into 10 numbers.

Here I have covered that, how you can get instantly more like comment or share in your every content you want to promote?
That may be your website page, blog post, your product, referral joinings, application joinings, events promotion, brand promotion etc.


In today's time, there is a lot of competition in social media marketing.

So this is not easy to outcompete those big companies which had thousands of employees working for the one job content promotion and development.

All this content creating process is divided into one factor.

That calls KLT factor of the Social media market.

What is the KLT factor of the Social media market?

In KLT factor of the Social media market, KLT means Know Like Trust.

Step no1

Let's talk about Know Factor of the KLT factor

Promote Your Content On facebook
Iamge Source [ Nrmsinc.com ]

Know in the sense let your viewer know you. 

Who you are? What do you serve? What is your goal?

All the things must take cared while creating a content.

As for example if you are posting a blog post link or website link to get the more social traffic you must maintain all your details that who you are?  

What is your goal? 

How this helps your viewer to be more productive in their day to day life.

If you want to be a model and making your photos viral then make sure your photo must be clean enough to visualize your complete expression in the photo. 

It must be appealing enough to draw attention.

Because people love to interact with human beings something more confident than them. So your best in every picture you post.

Hope you understand the tip otherwise, you can ask me a question. If you don't know where to find me just scroll down I am there.
Hence, friends, you can also use success stories for your customers or audiences. Be sure that connects to their day to day life.

It will help you connect very nicely to them.

The Second one is L for Like in the KLT factor.

Promote your content on facebook
Image source [ mcmdb.mcsoftware ]

This is the second thing what you have to take care while creating an apealing content.

Now like means what in the KLT factor? 

Here like Means you most consider about,

Why does someone like your content? 

What makes your viewer like about your content?

You must ask yourself these questions before creating a post.

If you are creating a blog post or website promotion post then you must use a very catchy title and thumbnail. 

The same can be applied to youtube video promotions also.

If you are posting any referral link try to understand what kind of people you are targeting.

Try to think about their interests and daily lifestyles. 

If you can cover these two things then people start liking you. 

As for a result, you will get more people engaged with your post.

If you are posting a photo then you must google some catchy captions, shayaris or motivation sayings to write before your photo.

That because of what? It helps you in this way. 

If you will be able to connect with peoples daily life, then you can touch their emotions through your content.

That will create a great impact on your viewer while he/ she views your content and then he/she will must share your content and interact with your content on his own.

You don't have to ask people even to share your content they will still do that.

This is a great way to make your content absolutely more valuable.
Then also people start connecting you.

Hope you understand.

The third and most essential step in KLT  factor is T for Trust.

Content promotion tips for facebook
Image source [ diversito.be ]

Trust is most essential to connect with people and get the business through your content.

This is as simple as if you get people to know you they will watch you. When people started liking you they will listen to you. 

But when people TRUST you they will do business with you.

Now the question comes how to get anyone trust you?

When you connect someones daily to daily life to the reality then the person starts trusting on you?

As for example, let's talk about niche health.

As we all know Patanjali is a leading brand now in India.

It has grown its customers across the Globe now.

Why Patanjali grew so famous and people put faith and trust in them?

Google any Patanjali product or Patanjali add you will found everything in that getting directly connected to our day to day life.

That's why people started trusting in them so they grew so fast and so good.

You can follow things like that to do grow your audience numbers and customer numbers at the same time you can multiply your sales also.

Think of these three things before you create a post.

Here we finished the process of creating a post now comes the second stage. 

What to do after publishing the post?

Friends we are not going to use any paid service. 

So how we can reach more audience more public in every post we create or share.

Here come the 4 easy steps to promote your content terribly compellingly on facebook in 2018-19

  1. Join a number of groups
  2. Make a group of friends
  3. Hack the algorithm of facebook
  4. Start Sharing each others content
Step no 1.

Join a number of groups

Friends here we have to join a minimum number of 50 to 60 groups in the niche we are working in.
Because of facebooks algorithm, we can't add more than 5000 friends in our profile.

So here we have a limitation of the audience and there may be a handful of people who are interested in our niche.

So we can not get enough audience to promote our content.

But if we join 50 to 80 groups with a minimum 4 -5000 members within it will provide us a big number of audience to promote our post hence in front of the people who are already interested in the same niche. 

NOTE: dont post your link directly with your content otherwise you will be blocked by facebook.
promote content on facebook
Step no 2

Make a group of friends.

Now find at least 20 to 50 friends from your friend list and talk to them regularly.

make a strong bonding with them by sharing emotions feelings and helping them with their own life problems.

Create a group with those friends on facebook messenger.

If you directly start to interact with people to do a favor on you or join your group no one is going to help you in that matter.

Also, there is the 80% of people are online on Facebook still this is hard to find people who will help you.

So be careful while choosing friends.

You also can use Facebook search to find out these helpful people in your niche.

Just search the posts in your niche.

Go to the post check out the people who are sharing the post or interacting with the post.

Create a list of Interested people in your same niche.

Step no 3

Hack The Algorithm of Facebook

As we talked above that,

According to the algorithm of Facebook, Facebook shoes your first published post to only 100 members.

If your post is able to generate a good impression with that visibility like some reactions from those 100 members then that post will be prompted in front of 1000 members instantly.

The process continues every time the task done multiplied into 10 numbers.

To reach a large number of audience your post must be generated interaction in itself.

So here you can hack facebook by using the group of friends you have made by choosing in your niche.

Decide a perticular time of post-production and tell all of your friends to like comment and share your post whenever you post or you will also have to do the same with your friends.

By doing the following thing you can hack the algorithm of Facebook to increase the reach of your content.

Be sure all of those groups should have minimum 3000 plus members in themselves.

So every time you share a post you have a very good number of audience to publish your post.

Now make a group of friends who like and comment on your post the moment you publish. 

Step no 4

Start Sharing each other's content. 

Before doing this step, you must have to complete the first 3 steps,

you have a big audience for your content.

Now you have a big audience following you so you can go ahead and share each others post,

By doing this you will create the best audience following to your content to get more reach and traffic to your website.

The same thing is also applicable to promote your youtube videos, referral joinings, and other promotions.


Which of the tips above is more compelling according to you?

How these tips and tricks worked for you?

PS. Feel free to answer these questions in the comment box below.

Share this post with your freinds if you find this useful feel free to share.

By doing this you will not only make my day you will make my year.


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